Thursday, November 26, 2015
Group → | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
Period ↓ | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 H |
2 He |
2 | 3 Li |
4 Be |
5 B |
6 C |
7 N |
8 O |
9 F |
10 Ne |
3 | 11 Na |
12 Mg |
13 Al |
14 Si |
15 P |
16 S |
17 Cl |
18 Ar |
4 | 19 K |
20 Ca |
21 Sc |
22 Ti |
23 V |
24 Cr |
25 Mn |
26 Fe |
27 Co |
28 Ni |
29 Cu |
30 Zn |
31 Ga |
32 Ge |
33 As |
34 Se |
35 Br |
36 Kr |
5 | 37 Rb |
38 Sr |
39 Y |
40 Zr |
41 Nb |
42 Mo |
43 Tc |
44 Ru |
45 Rh |
46 Pd |
47 Ag |
48 Cd |
49 In |
50 Sn |
51 Sb |
52 Te |
53 I |
54 Xe |
6 | 55 Cs |
56 Ba |
* | 72 Hf |
73 Ta |
74 W |
75 Re |
76 Os |
77 Ir |
78 Pt |
79 Au |
80 Hg |
81 Tl |
82 Pb |
83 Bi |
84 Po |
85 At |
86 Rn |
7 | 87 Fr |
88 Ra |
** | 104 Rf |
105 Db |
106 Sg |
107 Bh |
108 Hs |
109 Mt |
110 Ds |
111 Rg |
112 Cn |
113 Uut |
114 Fl |
115 Uup |
116 Uuh |
117 Uus |
118 Lv |
* Lanthanides | 57 La |
58 Ce |
59 Pr |
60 Nd |
61 Pm |
62 Sm |
63 Eu |
64 Gd |
65 Tb |
66 Dy |
67 Ho |
68 Er |
69 Tm |
70 Yb |
71 Lu |
** Actinides
89 Ac |
90 Th |
91 Pa |
92 U |
93 Np |
94 Pu |
95 Am |
96 Cm |
97 Bk |
98 Cf |
99 Es |
100 Fm |
101 Md |
102 No |
103Lr |
Friday, November 20, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Einstein for Everyone
work in statistical physics of 1905 is unified by a single insight: Physical
systems that consist of many, spatially localized, independent
micro-components have distinctive macro-properties. These macro-properties
provide a signature that reveals the system's microscopic nature. Einstein used
this insight in two ways. It enabled him to treat many, apparently distinct
systems alike, simply because their micro-components are localized and
independent. And he used the measurable macro-signature to reveal the micro-constitution
of physical systems. In the case of heat radiation, the result was
1. The Three Statistical Papers of 1905
In his annus mirabilis of
1905, Einstein published three papers in statistical physics that appeared to
be only loosely connected. They were:
Einstein's doctoral dissertation
"A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions"
Buchdruckerei K. J. Wyss, Bern, 1905. (30 April 1905)
Also: Annalen der Physik, 19(1906), pp. 289-305.
"A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions"
Buchdruckerei K. J. Wyss, Bern, 1905. (30 April 1905)
Also: Annalen der Physik, 19(1906), pp. 289-305.
Einstein used known physical properties of sugar solution (viscosity,
diffusion) to determine the size of sugar molecules.
"Brownian motion paper."
"On the motion of small particles suspended in liquids at rest required by the molecular-kinetic theory of heat."
Annalen der Physik, 17(1905), pp. 549-560.(May 1905; received 11 May 1905)
"On the motion of small particles suspended in liquids at rest required by the molecular-kinetic theory of heat."
Annalen der Physik, 17(1905), pp. 549-560.(May 1905; received 11 May 1905)
Einstein predicted that the thermal energy of small particles would
manifest as a jiggling motion, visible under the microscope.
"Light quantum/photoelectric effect
"On a heuristic viewpoint concerning the production and transformation of light."
Annalen der Physik, 17(1905), pp. 132-148.(17 March 1905)
"On a heuristic viewpoint concerning the production and transformation of light."
Annalen der Physik, 17(1905), pp. 132-148.(17 March 1905)
Einstein inferred from the thermal properties of high frequency heat
radiation that it behaves thermodynamically as if constituted of spatially
localized, independent quanta of energy.
These three papers were
intimately connected by a single insight that
Einstein used and developed as the content of the papers unfolded. Take a
system that consists of very many, spatially localized, independent microscopic
components. That constitution can be read from the thermal properties of the
system, as long as one knows how to read the signs. The most familiar example
is a very dilute kinetic gas; its component molecules move independently. This
constitution is directly expressed in the fact that the pressure, temperature
and volume of the gas conforms to the ideal gas law.
Einstein was not the
first to see these sort of possibilities. However he used them with greater
fluidity and reach than ever before.
2. A Mini-Tutorial on Ideal Gases
For a very gentle warm up
exercise, see "How
big is an atom?"
To illustrate this
insight, let us look at this most familiar case of ideal gases. This is the
case of most ordinary gases, just like the air, when they are at ordinary
temperatures that are not too cold and pressures that are not too high, so that
they remain very dilute.
Here is an ideal gas trapped in a cylinder by a weighted piston. That it
obeys the ideal gas law means that the following
calculation always works.
Take the pressure P and multiply it by the volume V of the gas. Whatever you get will always be exactly the same as what you get when you take the number of molecules n, multiply it by Boltzmann's constant k and the temperature T. Or, to put it more simply: PV = nkT |
result is so simple that it is easy to miss what is quite remarkable about it.
What is remarkable is exactly that it is so simple. Gases come in
many different forms. We might have a very light gas like helium, the gas used
to lift balloons, whose molecules are little spheres. Or we might have a denser
gas like the oxygen of the air, whose molecules are dumbbell shaped. Or we
might have a vaporized liquid, like water vapor, whose molecules are shaped
something like little Mickey Mouse heads. In every case, the same law holds,
even if the oxygen or water vapor are mixed up with another gas like nitrogen
in the air. Yet nothing in the law takes note of all these differences. All
that enters the law are the the volume, the temperature, the number of
molecules and a single universal constant, Boltzmann's constant k. From them,
using a little easy arithmetic, the law tells you what the gas pressure P will
How can the ideal gas law
do this? It can do it because the truth of the law does not depend
upon the detailed physical properties of the gas. Rather it depends only on a
single fact shared by all dilute gases: they consist of may independent
spatially localized molecules. The law needs this and nothing more; as a result
it does not need to ask if the gas molecules are heavy or light, this shape or
that; or even if the molecules are alone in space or surrounded by molecules of
another type. This fact also foreshadows the far broader application of the
ideal gas law than just to ideal gases.
Exactly how this law comes
about is a somewhat technical issue, although not that technical.
In its very simplest form it goes like this. The single most important result
of the statistical physics of Maxwell and Boltzmann for a thermal systems is
that the probability that one of its molecules is in some state is fixed by
that state's energy. Specifically, the probability of a state with energy E is
proportional to an exponential factor exp(-E/kT). So, for the gas in the above
cylinder, we can ask for the probability that one of its molecules will be
found at some height h. Now its energy at height h is its energy of motion plus
the energy of height, mgh, where m is the molecule's mass and g the
acceleration of gravity. This formula assumes the essential thing, that the
molecules are independent of each other. For the energy of the molecule depends
on its height and not on the position of any other molecules.
What this means is that
the probability of finding some given molecule at height h
decays exponentially with height h according to the factor exp(-mgh/kT). Now
the gas is more dense where there are more molecules; or more precisely, the
probability of finding a molecule at height h is proportional to the density of
the gas at height h. Therefore the density of the gas decays exponentially with
height according to the same factor exp(-mgh/kT). So this means that the gas is
more dense lower down and less dense higher up.
All that seems reasonable enough. But you might also quite reasonably
ask why the force of gravity just doesn't pull all the gas
molecules down to the bottom of the cylinder, so that they lie in a big heap
at the bottom of the cylinder, like a pile of dust. The simple answer looks
at the gas microscopically and calls upon the thermal motions of the
molecules to scatter them through the chamber. The relevant effect of these microscopic
motions can be redescribed macroscopically as a pressure. The many
microscopic collisions of the molecules with the piston, for example, appear
macroscopically as a smooth pressure exerted by the gas on it.
the tendency of the gas to scatter upward because of the microscopic motions
appears macroscopically as a pressure gradient in the gas. There is a higher
pressure lower in the cylinder and that higher pressure tends to push the gas
upward. Now different pressure gradients in the gas will lead to different
density distributions, with equilibrium arising when the pressure gradient
exactly balances the weight of the gas and piston above. Which
pressure gradient will lead to a distribution proportional to exp(-mgh/kT) in
every case? Well--you know the answer. It is exactly the pressure gradient
given by the ideal gas law, PV=nkT!
To summarize, the assumption that a gas consists of
many, independent, localized molecules leads to the ideal gas law. And it
should come as no surprise that the argumentation can be reversed. If we have
any gas in the context of Maxwell-Boltzmann statistical physics that satisfies
the ideal gas law, then it consists of many, independent molecules.
There remains one subtle
point that will become of central importance. The
ideal gas law follows from the assumption that the gas consists of many,
independent, localized molecules. Notice what is not assumed. It is not assumed
that the molecules move in straight lines at uniform speed between collisions
with other molecules; or that the molecules are the only matter present. The
ideal gas law is a much more general result. It holds for any thermal system
consisting of many, independent, localized components; and the notion of
component and its context can be quite broad.
All this can be made
precise mathematically with only a little more effort. See
how here.
3. Einstein's Doctoral Dissertation
Of his statistical papers
on 1905, the light quantum paper was published first. However in terms of the
development of their ideas, Einstein's doctoral dissertation presents the natural
starting point. The common ideas of the three papers appear in it
in their simplest form and they are developed adventurously in the other two
The point
of Einstein's doctoral dissertation, "A New Determination of Molecular
Dimensions," was clearly stated in its title. It was to determine how large
molecules are. The answer was given in a particular way. A basic result of
chemical atomism is that there are always the same number of molecules in one
gram mole of any substances--such as 2g of hydrogen gas, or 18g of water, or
32g of oxygen gas. That number is N. It is called Avogadro's number in the
English tradition and Loschmidt's number in Einstein's German tradition.
Finding N then automatically tells us the mass of hydrogen molecules, water
molecules and oxygen molecules.
The method Einstein hit
upon was simple in conception. Pure water has a certain viscosity
that measures how readily it flows. Water's viscosity is very much less than
honey, for example, which flows much less readily. The addition of sugar to
water to make a syrup like honey increases the viscosity. Einstein proposed
that, at least in the case of dilute sugar solutions, the increase in viscosity
is simply due to the bulk of the sugar molecules obstructing the free flow of
the dissolving water. Einstein's project was to model this obstructive effect
as a mathematical problem in fluid flow; and to compare the results with
experimentally determined viscosities of dilute sugar solutions; and thereby to
estimate N. The idea was simple, but its execution was not.
Einstein managed to reduce the problem to
computing the flow that results in the situation shown opposite. Water flows
inward on one axis and then diverges outward on others. That flow will be
impeded by the presence of a sugar molecule at the center, where the molecule
is presumed to be a perfect sphere. That impeding of the flow, Einstein
assumed, would manifest as an increase in the viscosity of the solution.
After a long and hard
calculation, after Einstein had made many special assumptions
just so that the computation could be done at all, Einstein arrived at his
result. The apparent viscosity mu of the water was increased to mu*
of the solution in direct relation to the fraction of the volume phi of the
solution taken up by the sugar:
(1) mu* = mu . (1 + phi)
And the fraction of the volume taken up by the sugar could be determined by simple geometry from rho the sugar density, m the molecular weight of the sugar, P the radius of the sugar molecule and N:
(2) phi = (rho/m) . N . (4pi/3) . P3
Well, it was a little more complicated. Einstein made an error in the calculation and the correct result was
mu* = mu . (1 + (5/2)phi). The examiners did not notice. Einstein was awarded his PhD and years later corrected the mistake.
(1) mu* = mu . (1 + phi)
And the fraction of the volume taken up by the sugar could be determined by simple geometry from rho the sugar density, m the molecular weight of the sugar, P the radius of the sugar molecule and N:
(2) phi = (rho/m) . N . (4pi/3) . P3
Well, it was a little more complicated. Einstein made an error in the calculation and the correct result was
mu* = mu . (1 + (5/2)phi). The examiners did not notice. Einstein was awarded his PhD and years later corrected the mistake.
Don't be put off by all the terms in equations (1) and (2).
All that really matters is that Einstein has equations that relate things that
can be measured (viscosity of sugar solutions, etc.) to the thing he wants to
know N. So Einstein could take equations (1) and (2), combine them and turn the
outcome inside out. The result is
(3) N = (3m/4 pi rho) . (mu*/mu) . 1/P3
Or, if we express it in terms that matter:
(3) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P3
(3) N = (3m/4 pi rho) . (mu*/mu) . 1/P3
Or, if we express it in terms that matter:
(3) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P3
You'll immediately see the problem with equation (3). N and the radius
of the sugar molecule P are both things that we don't know (and want to
know). So Einstein has that old foe of algebra homework: ONE equation in
TWO unknowns. And we all learned in school that you cannot
solve that. In effect we have a rule such that if we know the value of one
unknown--P say-- we can figure out the other--in this case N. That is shown
in the plot. We have a curve that displays all the values of P and the
corresponding values of N that go with them.
What Einstein needed was a second equation, so he would have TWO equations in TWO unknowns. Then he would have a second curve on the plot and where the two curves crossed he would find the unique values of both N and P. |
where could Einstein get his second equation? He found it
by looking at how sugar diffuses in water. How he analyzed this diffusion
process will be our real focus. So let me just state his result for the moment.
It uses the diffusion coefficient D that determines how fast sugar diffuses and
is measurable directly in experiment, and the ideal gas constant R.
(4) N= (RT/6 pi mu D) . 1/P
or in terms of what matters
(4) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P
So Einstein now had two equations (3) and (4) in his two unknowns, N and P, and they could be solved. He found N = 2.1 x 1023. Later, after he corrected his calculation for his error, he had N = 6.6 x 1023, which is much closer to the modern value of 6.02 x 1023.
(4) N= (RT/6 pi mu D) . 1/P
or in terms of what matters
(4) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P
So Einstein now had two equations (3) and (4) in his two unknowns, N and P, and they could be solved. He found N = 2.1 x 1023. Later, after he corrected his calculation for his error, he had N = 6.6 x 1023, which is much closer to the modern value of 6.02 x 1023.
4. The Statistical Physics of Dilute Sugar Solutions
Diffusion is a familiar
process. The smell of last nights pepperoni pizza soon fills the refrigerator
as the aroma diffuses into every corner. Similarly a spoonful of sugar syrup
carefully placed at the bottom of a cup of water (and not stirred!) will slowly
diffuse over a period of days and weeks through the water making a (roughly)
uniform sugar solution. The microscopic mechanism of
diffusion is simply the scattering of sugar molecules under their random
thermal motion. Indeed in dilute solutions, the sugar molecules form a system
of a large number of molecules that do not interact with oneanother--they are
widely spaced in the water because of the high dilution.
A large number of molecules that do not interact?! This is exactly the
condition that we saw the molecules of an ideal gas
had to obey in order for the ideal gas law to obtain. So it should hold here
as well. And it does!
The random, microscopic motions of sugar molecules that leads to diffusion can be redescribed on a macroscopic level as a pressure, just as is the case with an ideal gas. This pressure is the familiar osmotic pressure so important in cell biology. Consider a semi-permeable membrane that can pass water but not sugar, such as the membrane in the figure opposite or a cell wall. The (gray) water can pass freely through it, but sugar molecules (the little white spheres) cannot. Through their collisions with the membrane, the sugar molecules exert a pressure on the membrane and the considerations that fix the size of the ideal gas pressure are exactly the same as those that fix the size of the osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure P exerted by n sugar molecules in a volume V of water in dilute solution obeys the ideal gas PV = nkT |
This osmotic pressure became central to Einstein's derivation of
the result (4) for sugar diffusing in solution. To generate it, he imagined
the same set up as I have described above, dissolved sugar molecules in a
gravitational field. There are two processes acting on the sugar molecules.
First, the effect of gravity is to pull the molecules downward. So they fall, as shown. A standard law in fluid mechanics, Stokes' law, expresses just how fast they fall under the pull of gravity. |
Second, a diffusion process scatters the falling sugar molecules.
Its net effect is to send the sugar molecules from regions of high
concentration to regions of low concentrations. That precludes the falling
molecules accumulating too much at the bottom of the vessel.
Einstein used the fact that dissolved sugar exerts an osmotic pressure to determine the magnitude of this effect. The falling sugar forms a density gradient. The ideal gas law asserts that pressure is proportion to density, so there is an osmotic pressure gradient. And that pressure gradient drives the sugar back up. An equilibrium between the processes will be established when the amounts of sugar transported by the two processes in opposite directions are equal. The equation that sets those two rates of transport equal turns out to be just the second equation Einstein needed for the argument of his doctoral dissertation: (4) N= (RT/6 pi mu D) . 1/P or in terms of what matters (4) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P |
5. Einstein's Brownian Motion Paper
The argument and method of
Einstein's dissertation was indirect and cumbersome. Since
the original project of examining the viscosity of sugar solutions yielded one
equation in two unknowns, he needed to introduce analysis of a second sort of
physical process, diffusion, in order to get a result. To recall, he ended up
with TWO equations in TWO unknowns, N and P, the radius of a sugar molecule:
(3) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P3
(4) N = (other things that can be measured) x 1/P
(3) N = (things that can be measured) x 1/P3
(4) N = (other things that can be measured) x 1/P
We could well imagine
Einstein examining these two unknowns, N and P, and lamenting that both are
inaccessible to direct measurement. In the case of sugar solutions, of course,
the problem is inescapable. To know one is to know the other; if we are
ignorant of one we do not know the other. But wait--what
if we were to apply this same analysis not to sugar solutions but to other
solutions whose "molecules" are so big that we might measure their
size directly under the microscope? That could be done. All we are really
considering is a suspension in water of very finely divided particles, perhaps
even like the tiny pollen grains Brown had observed under the microscope
earlier in the 19th century. For these systems, there now only ONE unknown, N.
Thermal motions would lead such particles to diffuse through water and, using
equation (4) alone, Einstein could determine N from the measured rate of their
I do not know if this is
the reasoning that brought Einstein from the reflections of his doctoral
dissertation to the Brownian motion paper. But I can say that the path is
obvious and direct, just as it leads to a very much more adventurous result.
Einstein is not longer computing the size of molecules, he has found a process
which it seems that only a molecular kinetic theory of
heat can accommodate!
The remarkable fact is that Einstein could use exactly the same
analysis for this process as he had used for the diffusion of sugar. The
suspended particles consist of a large number of independent components--that
you can see them under the microscope does not alter that fact. So they will
exhibit thermal motions which in turn exert a pressure on a membrane that
does not allow them to pass.
At this point, no more calculation is needed. The particles will establish an equilibrium distribution in the gravitational field exactly as did the sugar molecules. Once again we can characterize that equilibrium by equating the rate at which the particles fall under gravity with the rate at which diffusion scatters them back up. The result is: (4) N= (RT/6 pi mu D) . 1/P as before. Since P is now observed, all Einstein needs is to measure the rate of diffusion of the particles to recover D and then use (4) to compute N. |
This last step of the computation of N proved the most interesting. The
thermal diffusion of these particles would manifest under the microscope as a
random jiggling motion. Indeed Einstein conjectured
that this was just the motion Brown has noted for pollen grains, although in
this first paper Einstein lamented that he did not have enough data to be
For particles of size 0.001mm, Einstein predicted a displacement of approximately 6 microns in one minute. |
6. The Importance of Einstein's Analysis of Brownian Motion
Following the easy logic
of the pathway from his dissertation, we may overlook the momentous
importance of what has just transpired. Einstein had found an
effect that settled one of the major debates of the early 20th century!
In the course of the
latter part of the 19th century, Maxwell, Boltzmann and others had struggled to
establish that their statistical treatment of thermal processes deserved
a place in physics. It was a difficult struggle. For their
statistical accounts seemed to be at odds with established thermodynamics,
grounded squarely in experiment. Most notoriously, there were (then) two laws
fundamental laws of thermodynamics. The second law, the entropy principle,
expressed the notion that thermodynamic processes were directed in time. Gases
spontaneously expand to fill space. They do not spontaneously contract. In the
statistical approach, however, they do spontaneously contract, but with very
small probability. (We will see more of this shortly!) So Boltzmann struggled
to establish that this basic law of thermodynamics only held with very high
For Maxwell and
Boltzmann, the project was to catch up with thermodynamics and show that they
could do what the thermodynamicists were already doing without calling upon stories
about atoms. Seen in this light, the opposition of energeticists like Ostwald
at the start of the 20th century to atoms is quite
understandable. They did not seem to need atoms to do their
physics; and presuming atoms required compromising the basic laws of
thermodynamics. So why play with the notion of atoms when it brought pain but
no gain?
Einstein now had found a
way to turn the tables. The strength of the thermodynamicists
was their grounding in experiment. Yet here was an experimental effect--the
random thermal motions of suspended particles--that could not be accounted for
by ordinary thermodynamic means. One had to resort to something like a
molecular kinetic account. Einstein pointed to this momentous outcome in rather
dry language in the introduction to his paper:
"If it is really
possible to observe the motion discussed here ... then classical thermodynamics
can no longer be viewed as strictly valid even for microscopically
distinguishable spaces, and an exact determination of the real size of a mole
becomes possible."
Here I follow Anne Kox's
analysis of Einstein's "eine exakte Bestimmung der wahren
Atomgroesse" and translate Atomgroesse as size of a mole.
In addition to this foundational issue, there was
a second theoretical bounty emerging from Einstein's analysis of Brownian
motion. In order to determine N, Einstein needed to estimate the diffusion
coefficient associated with the random motion of the suspended particles. This
required a statistical analysis of the random jiggling of the particles.
The analysis had to be probabilistic. If a particle
starts at some known position, we can at best specify the probabilities of it
straying ever further from that initial point. The curve representing these probabilities
is the familiar bell curve. As time t passes it becomes more and more
flattened, capturing the greater probability of the particle straying from
its initial position.
Einstein showed that this flattening of the curve is directly related to the diffusion coefficient D. That is, the mean square displacement is 2.D.t. Through this analysis, Einstein's paper became one of the first treatments of the problem of the "random walk" and one of the founding documents in the new field of stochastic processes. |
there were some interesting subtleties in this random motion. First, the
jiggles observed under the microscope were not the result of collisions with
individual water molecules. You might presume that the
effect of very many collisions with water molecules would rapidly average out
to no effect at all. That turns out to be mistaken. The statistical analysis
shows that even very many molecular collisions leaves a residual jiggle.
Second, it is futile to try to find the average speed of the jiggling
particles. Speed is displacement/time. Einstein's analysis shows that the
average displacement is proportional to the square root of time. So the ratio
of displacement/time varies as 1/(square root of time) and so goes to zero as
time gets large. So if we try to average out the jiggles to find an average
speed, we end up with averages that will get closer and closer to zero the
longer the time period we consider.
7. The Light Quantum Paper:
Einstein's Astonishing Idea
The great triumph of 19th
century physics had been Maxwell's electrodynamics. It established definitively
the wave character of light, identifying it as propagation in
the electromagnetic field. It seemed impossible in the face of Maxwell's great
achievement that we could ever go back to a view of light such as Newton held,
that light consists of little corpuscles. Yet exactly this was the astonishing
idea of Einstein's 1905 light quantum paper.
Einstein had several
bases for this idea. Some were grounded directly in experiment. For example, he
argued that we could best account for the photoelectric
effect if we assumed that the energy of propagating light was spatially
localized in little packets of size hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is
the frequency of the light. This explanation of the photoelectric effect was
cited in the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Einstein in 1921: "for his
services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of
the photoelectric effect."
The core argument of
Einstein's paper was different, however. It drew on the thermodynamic behavior
of high frequency heat radiation. What Einstein noticed was
that there was an atomistic signature in its macroscopically measurable thermal
properties. He noted that high frequency heat radiation behaved
thermodynamically as if it consisted of independent, spatially localized quanta
of energy of size hf. This remark was the light quantum hypothesis.
The idea that the
macroscopic properties of a system may reveal its microscopic properties is not
new. Indeed it has been present throughout the discussion so far. That the
system exerts a pressure governed by the ideal gas law is just such a
signature. It tells us that the system consists of many, independent components
and this signature can be found in ideal gases, in dilute solutions and in
systems of suspended particles. It actually turns out to be present in high
frequency heat radiation as well. However its presence is harder to see.
Heat radiation does exert a pressure, known as radiation pressure. That
pressure is a function of the temperature and frequency of the radiation only.
So we may well wonder how the ideal gas law PV=nkT could apply to it, for the
ideal gas law clearly allows a volume dependence through the presence of the
term V.
It turns out the the
ideal gas law still does apply to a high frequency heat
radiation. That fact is obscured by a novelty of heat radiation. The number of
quanta in heat radiation is not fixed in the way the number of components is
fixed for other systems such as an ideal gas. If we correct for that effect,
compatibility with the ideal gas law is restored.
When an ideal gas undergoes a constant temperature expansion, the ideal
gas law PV=nkT tells us that the product of pressure and volume PV stay the
same. That is, the pressure decreases and the volume
increases. This is how we are used to seeing the ideal gas law manifested.
When a system of high frequency heat radiation expands at constant
temperature, new energy quanta are created in direct
proportion to the volume V. That is, n/V remains constant. The idea gas law
now tells us that the pressure P remains constant since we may write the law
as P=(n/V)kT. The immediate effect is that the satisfaction of the ideal gas
law is obscured since we are so used to the law telling us that pressure P
decreases in a constant temperature expansion. The atomic signature is there;
but it is in an unfamiliar form.
8. A New Atomic Signature
Einstein did
not mention the ideal gas law as an atomic signature for heat
radiation. He did however demonstrate the existence of another atomic signature
to which high frequency heat radiation did conform. He first illustrated that
signature for the familiar case of an ideal gas.
The statistical approach
to gases differed from a purely thermodynamic one, as noted above, in that it
allows for gases to spontaneously recompress, albeit with very small
probability. The analysis is very simple. Consider
an ideal gas with just four molecules. The molecules will move randomly through
the chamber shown and will mostly be spread throughout it.
There is a probability of
1/2 that any given molecule will be in the left half of the
chamber when we check. So the probability that all four of them will be there
is just
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) = (1/2)4.
The key fact of independence is what allows us just to multiply all four probabilities together to get the result. If we had n molecules, the probability would be
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x ...(n times)... x (1/2) = (1/2)n.
Since ordinary samples of gas will have of the order of n = 1024 molecules, this probability is fantastically small and we have no chance of observing this fluctuation in ordinary life. (And that is fortunate, for otherwise our lives in the air would like a small cork tossed about on a stormy sea!)
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) = (1/2)4.
The key fact of independence is what allows us just to multiply all four probabilities together to get the result. If we had n molecules, the probability would be
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x ...(n times)... x (1/2) = (1/2)n.
Since ordinary samples of gas will have of the order of n = 1024 molecules, this probability is fantastically small and we have no chance of observing this fluctuation in ordinary life. (And that is fortunate, for otherwise our lives in the air would like a small cork tossed about on a stormy sea!)
However the probability
of this fluctuation is still quite definite. An ideal gas can spontaneously
compress to half its volume with miniscule probability (1/2)n.
Statistical physics
happens to give us another way to determine this probability, without us
actually having to see the spontaneous recompression. The probability of the
transition is related to a macroscopic thermodynamic
quantity, entropy. We need not here go into many details of the nature of this
quantity. All that matters for us is that entropy is a thermodynamic property
of thermal systems, just as is energy, and its value is routinely given in
tables of thermal properties of substances. I will not pause here to rant about
the unfortunate mythology of mystery that surrounds the notion. A good part of
it is due to plain old foggy thinking. See my website,
for details.
The Simplest Version of the Argument
The details of the next
steps of Einstein's argument are a little messy for people who don't like
logarithms. So here's the very simplest version without
The thermodynamic
quantity entropy tells us what sorts of transformations thermal systems will
undergo. The basic rule is that thermal systems will tend to states of
higher entropy. So the entropy difference between two states of a
system gives us information on the tendency of the system to move between the
states. Indeed the "tendency" can be given a quite precise measure as
a probability. If we know the entropy difference between two states of a
system, we know the probability that the system will spontaneously move between
those two states.
Now recall that the entropy of a system is an ordinary thermodynamic
quantity like energy. Just as you can measure the energy content of some
volume of radiation by a suitable experiment, you can also measure
the entropy content of that system.
To get a sense of how
it works, imagine that you slowly heat some system which is initially at some
absolute temperature T. You can figure out how much the energy of the system
changes with each unit of heat you add--one unit of energy is added for each unit
of heat. The corresponding calculation for entropy is almost as simple. For
each unit of heat energy you add when the system is at T, you add 1/T units
of entropy.
That is just what
Einstein did for heat radiation. More precisely, he took other people's
measures of entropy and used them to figure out the entropy difference
between two states: a quantity of heat radiation of energy E at
one, particular high frequency f and a second quantity of heat radiation of the
same energy E and frequency f, but half the volume.
From the entropy change
between those two states, Einstein could infer that the
probability of the quantity of radiation spontaneously
fluctuating to half its volume is just (1/2)(E/hf). Written out more
fully that is
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x ...(E/hf times)... x (1/2) = (1/2)(E/hf)
Comparing this formula to the corresponding formula for n molecules, it is almost impossible to avoid concluding that this quantity of high frequency radiation consists of E/hf spatially localized radiation molecules--Einstein called them "light quanta"--that move independently through the volume.
(1/2) x (1/2) x (1/2) x ...(E/hf times)... x (1/2) = (1/2)(E/hf)
Comparing this formula to the corresponding formula for n molecules, it is almost impossible to avoid concluding that this quantity of high frequency radiation consists of E/hf spatially localized radiation molecules--Einstein called them "light quanta"--that move independently through the volume.
The picture to have in
mind is:
The best part is that the
probability formula tells us directly how big these light quanta are. The
probability comes from multiplying E/hf factors of (1/2) together. So we infer
that the total energy E of the radiation is divided into that many quanta of
energy, each of size hf.
The Fancier Version of the Argument
Now here's the fancier
The entropy change between
two states S is related to the logarithm of the probability W of a spontaneous
transition between the two states by the formula
S = k log W.
Einstein judged this result so important that he named it "Boltzmann's Principle." That wonderful formula was engraved on Boltzmann's gravestone; it is the bridge we need between the macroscopic and the microscopic.
S = k log W.
Einstein judged this result so important that he named it "Boltzmann's Principle." That wonderful formula was engraved on Boltzmann's gravestone; it is the bridge we need between the macroscopic and the microscopic.
Apply this principle to
the case of the ideal gas of n molecules that spontaneously compresses to half
its volume with probability W = (1/2)n. We find that the difference
in entropy between the gas and that same gas occupying one half the volume is
given by
(5) S = k.log W = k.log (1/2)n = - nk.log 2
While we arrived at this entropy difference by thinking about extremely improbable fluctuations in the gas' volume, it can also be found in standard thermodynamic treatises, derived entirely from macroscopic properties of ideal gases, without any mention of microscopic properties and very unlikely events. (In particular, you do not need to know the size of N to get this formula. For nk = nm.R, where nm is the number of moles and R is the ideal gas constant.) But now that we know how to read the logarithmic dependence of entropy on volume of (5), we can recognize it as a macroscopic signature of the spatially localized, independent atoms in the ideal gas.
(5) S = k.log W = k.log (1/2)n = - nk.log 2
While we arrived at this entropy difference by thinking about extremely improbable fluctuations in the gas' volume, it can also be found in standard thermodynamic treatises, derived entirely from macroscopic properties of ideal gases, without any mention of microscopic properties and very unlikely events. (In particular, you do not need to know the size of N to get this formula. For nk = nm.R, where nm is the number of moles and R is the ideal gas constant.) But now that we know how to read the logarithmic dependence of entropy on volume of (5), we can recognize it as a macroscopic signature of the spatially localized, independent atoms in the ideal gas.
Einstein recognized this same
signature in a single frequency cut of high frequency heat
radiation. By drawing directly on experimental measurements of the thermal
properties of high frequency heat radiation, he noted that the entropy
difference between two quantities of radiation of energy E and frequency f, one
at the full volume and one at the half volume, is just:
(6) S = - (E/hf).k.log 2 = k log (1/2)(E/hf)
The analogy between formulae (5) and (6) is obvious.
(6) S = - (E/hf).k.log 2 = k log (1/2)(E/hf)
The analogy between formulae (5) and (6) is obvious.
Einstein had now
found the macroscopic signature of atoms in high frequency heat
radiation. Comparing equations (5) and (6), we immediately see that the heat
radiation is governed by a formula appropriate to a system consisting of E/hf independent
components. Or, to put it another way, it is as if the energy E of the
radiation is divided into independent, spatially localized components of energy
hf. This, you will recall, is just Einstein's light quantum hypothesis, but now
read from equations (5) and (6).
You should note how carefully
hedged Einstein's statement of the light quantum hypothesis is.
Its most careful formulation from his 1905 paper is:
"Monochromatic radiation of low density behaves--as long as Wien's radiation formula is valid [i.e. at high values of frequency/temperature]--in a thermodynamic sense, as if it consisted of mutually independent energy quanta of magnitude [hf]."
Einstein is very careful to add many conditions: high frequency/temperature, low density, "as if" and "in a thermodynamic sense."
"Monochromatic radiation of low density behaves--as long as Wien's radiation formula is valid [i.e. at high values of frequency/temperature]--in a thermodynamic sense, as if it consisted of mutually independent energy quanta of magnitude [hf]."
Einstein is very careful to add many conditions: high frequency/temperature, low density, "as if" and "in a thermodynamic sense."
That caution is very
prudent. Einstein had not explained away the quite prodigious body of evidence
from the 19th century all pointing to the wavelike character
of light. Indeed that evidence will never go away. What Einstein eventually
decided a few years later is that both wave and particle characters are needed
for a full account of light. Sometimes light will behave like a wave; sometimes
like a localized particle; and sometimes both. That we now know as
"wave-particle" duality.
Modern readers often find
it irresistible to jump from these light quanta of 1905 to modern photons;
that is, to imagine that Einstein was just proposing that light really consists
of particles or corpuscles after all. That would be a risky jump for all the
reason just given. In addition, an essential part of the notion of a photon is
that it carries momentum. Nothing in Einstein's arguments so far have
established that his light quanta of 1905 also carry momentum. That conclusion
had to be established by further analysis and it came with time.
9. Conclusion
Einstein published three
papers in statistical physics in 1905. By any measure,
their content is extraordinary. In one form or another they contained the seeds
of the new theorizing in statistical physics of the twentieth century. They
provided a new method of estimating the size of molecules, a treatment of the
diffusion of solutes and small particles in viscous media, the identification
of a phenomenon that turned the tide of resistance to molecular kinetic methods
in physics, a foundational analysis in the new field of stochastic processes
and the demonstration of the granular character of electromagnetic radiation.
When faced with this
wealth, it is hard not to be awed, let alone to find a unifying theme
that permeates the work. My goal has been to display just such a theme, even if
the theme does not pass through the heart of every aspect of Einstein's
achievement. That theme is the simple idea that thermal systems consisting of
many, spatially localized, independent components have the same macroscopic
properties, most notably the satisfaction of the ideal gas law. This fact
simplifies analysis of many systems, since once the independence of the
components is known, the ideal gas law must follow, whether the system is a
gas, dilute solution or microscopically visible particles in suspension. And
the inference can be inverted. Once an atomic signature is seen, one can infer
back to the constitution of the system. In the case of high frequency heat
radiation, the presence of the atomic signature was so definite that it
emboldened Einstein to overthrow the great achievement of 19th century physics.
He rejected Maxwell's electrodynamics and its wave theory of light, in favor of
a new and still ill-formed quantum account of radiation.
Copyright John D. Norton, May 8, 2005. Minor corrections, May 15, 2005;
link to "How big is an atom? June 17, 2006. Section 8 revised April 11,
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